Pray for the Nations – America

The country selected for this month’s Pray for the Nations focus is the United States of America. Let’s take the month of September and pray for our country, that America will begin to return to her moral compass which with she began. The state of America today and the pain and suffering of her citizens is increasing at a rate that can’t be ignored.


Humanitarian Action and Human Rights: Why Humanitarianism is Urgent for Christians

Our God is a God of justice and it’s only fitting that we follow His example to fight for the oppressed. This series on humanitarian topics was created out of a need for the body of Christ to be reminded that we should be concerned with human rights and humanitarian efforts on a global scale. While it’s important to tend to the needs of those around us, to be a part of and serve a local community, we must not forget those around the world who need assistance and who need brave people to help fight for their rights.

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