Finding Freedom in Faith: A Journey of Hope and Deliverance
Life is beautiful, but it can also be tough. Sometimes, we face challenges that seem impossible to overcome. We feel trapped, lost and alone. It's in those moments that faith…
Life is beautiful, but it can also be tough. Sometimes, we face challenges that seem impossible to overcome. We feel trapped, lost and alone. It's in those moments that faith…
Merry Christmas Eve friends! Welcome to the third and final post of this mini Christmas series! If you missed it, catch up by reading Part 1 and Part 2! Tangled…
The verses we’re reading through in this month's Bible reading plan cover the light of God’s Word and how it's a lamp and a guide for our lives.Throughout the Bible, God promises to lead and guide us, assuring us that we don’t have to worry about figuring out on our own which directions to take in life.
Choose the Spacious Place. Walk Freely. This devotional is part of a series of weekly devotionals posted each Wednesday and correlates to the Bible Reading Plan of the month
Who You Are in Christ Do you struggle with negative thoughts about yourself and negative self-talk? Need encouragement and a reminder about who Christ has created you to be and…
In today’s world of social media, AI, and filters, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Almost unknowingly, we quickly sign up to run in the rat race of constantly trying to measure up to the images we see. Especially for those of us that already struggle with self-doubt and a negative self-image. The truth is, we have been given everything we need to live victoriously in this life. We don’t have to be enough in our own efforts and striving, because it’s God who makes us enough.
For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1. Weekly devotional to go with the Bible reading plan of the month - Freedom.
Make sure to check out the bottom of the page for FREE downloadable smartphone wallpapers! Freedom Begins As you may have noticed when you landed on this corner of the…