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You Are Seen and I Will Show You the Way to Go

September Devotional Week 1

Don’t forget to checkout a FREE downloadable Scripture card at the end of the page!

The verses we’re reading through in this month’s Bible reading plan cover the light of God’s Word and how it’s a lamp and a guide for our lives.

Throughout the Bible, God promises to lead and guide us, assuring us that we don’t have to worry about figuring out on our own which directions to take in life.

You Have A Personal Guide

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with my eye on you, I will give counsel.

Psalm 32:8

Today’s verse is one of many where God tells us He will show us the way to go.

A lot of times, Christians tend to only go to God for the “big things” in life, and usually only after they feel they’ve exhausted all other resources to find an answer.

Going to God for guidance and direction should be our first line of defense when we’re facing constant battles of decisions and confusion in our everyday lives. No amount of advice from friends and family or Google search results will ever match the guidance God provides.

You Are Seen

What’s even more reassuring about Psalm 32:8 is that not only does God say He will instruct us and give us counsel, but He assures us that His eyes are always on us.

He sees our every struggle, every situation we face, and every choice we must make. He’s not in the dark about any part of our lives, nor is He unaware of the seemingly impossible decision you may be facing.

You don’t have to feel like you’re bothering God when you need His guidance, or that you’re a nuisance for being confused about what direction to take.

He is already aware of and watching each situation that we encounter. Before we ever even ask Him for help, His eye is on us and He’s ready to help.

Choose Today To Trust His Guidance

What area in your life are you needing to trust God to instruct and guide you in right now?

Believe today that He does see you and remember His promise to give you counsel!

Click below to download a FREE Scripture card with this week’s verse!

Click below for the related Bible Reading Plan of the month!

Weekly Devotionals

Weekly devotionals are posted every Wednesday and correlate to the Bible Reading Plan of the month. This month, the devotionals are all about Illumination, the light of God’s Word and His guidance.

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